
Although we do not install windows we do install the casings and window trims that make a window stand out from the wall. Window casing, like door casing, can be simple casing surrounds or more elaborate window trim treatments using corner blocks (used between the side and top casings), medallions (carved blocks used midway on side casings) and headers (built up top casing using a frieze board, crown and other trim mouldings). Windows may also require Set Backs (pieces of wood used to hide exposed plaster/drywall when the window frame is narrow and doesn’t come flush to the wall). In some applications, Stools (wood used at the bottom of the window frame with a machined edge commonly known as a “Sill”) and Aprons (wood trim under the stool) not only add visual interest to the window trim and are often used for period specific work.

No matter what your window trim needs are, we can make it a reality with either paint grade poplar or domestic hardwoods for a stained finish.